treatment for glaucoma in Blue Bell

Glaucoma Management in Blue Bell

Glaucoma occurs from damage to the eye’s optic nerve and can often lead to loss of vision and blindness. To detect glaucoma, our highly trained doctors will perform a proper screening to determine its severity, examine the damage, and help you manage your glaucoma. Early detection of glaucoma is crucial in preventing vision loss and blindness; the earlier, the better.

Important facts about glaucoma

Treatment for glaucoma

There is no official cure for glaucoma. There are several treatment methods that manage, slow down, or halt the process. Treatment for glaucoma will vary depending on the stage and severity for each individual patient. It typically involves medications, laser therapy, or surgery to lower intraocular pressure and preserve remaining vision.

Stages of Glaucoma

Glaucoma typically progresses through stages that can vary depending on the type and severity of the condition. The stages commonly include:

  • Early Stage (Mild Glaucoma): Often asymptomatic and diagnosed through routine eye exams where early signs of optic nerve damage or elevated intraocular pressure (IOP) are detected.
  • Moderate Stage (Moderate Glaucoma): Symptoms may begin to appear, such as peripheral vision loss (often unnoticed by the patient), mild eye discomfort, or occasional headaches.
  • Severe Stage (Advanced Glaucoma): Significant optic nerve damage and visual field loss occur, leading to noticeable vision impairment, including tunnel vision or complete loss of peripheral vision. Symptoms become more pronounced, and daily activities may be affected.
  • End Stage (Terminal Glaucoma): This is the most advanced stage where there is severe optic nerve damage and extensive visual field loss, often leading to legal blindness despite treatment efforts.
an elder's man eye with glaucoma

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